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    Instructions for post-installation setup of Lotus Notes 9.0.1
    Instructions for installing IBM/HCL Notes (formerly Lotus Notes) and Domino Designer/Administrator software on Windows and macOS workstations.
    Lotus Notes crashes after Adobe Acrobat Professional was installed or a new update was applied.
    In a single-user user installation of Notes, the notes.ini file is located inside the binary files folder. But in a multi-user installation of Notes (default for Windows 7), the notes.ini file is located inside each user's data folder, which by default is hidden.
    The equivalent of notes.ini on a Mac OS X workstation is called Notes Preferences file and it is normally hidden. You can get to it following these instructions.
    Correct settings in your Location document are essential to the problem free functioning of Lotus Notes on your computer.
    Instructions for accessing legacy Appointment Review Advisory Committee (ARAC) and Faculty Recruitment forms in IBM Notes (formerly Lotus Notes).
    Sometimes your Lotus Notes bookmark file (../Notes/Data/bookmark.nsf) can become corrupt, and this can manifest itself in a few different ways.
    In some situations, some issues with Lotus Notes can be fixed by re-running the initial setup.
    A replication conflict occurs when two or more users edit in the same document in different replicas between one replication and the next. A save conflict occurs when two or more users edit the same document in an application on a server at the same time.
    In Outlook, it is not possible to have an e-mail message appear in more than one folder. Therefore, all copies of sent messages would only appear in "Sent Items" folder after the migration, even if they were filed in other folders in Lotus Notes while being sent out. Also, messages stored in Inbox folder would no longer appear in any other folder that they may have been added to in Lotus Notes.