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    GlobalProtect system tray icon on Windows disappears during upgrade
    Microsoft Windows Update is a Microsoft service for the Windows operating system, which automates downloading and installing Microsoft Windows software updates over the Internet. This article discusses two different types of Windows updates and provides a listing of the most recent updates required for device compliance.
    Every Windows computer has a name to help identify it on a network. Here are several methods for finding it out.
    Summary of Microsoft Surface Educational discount and preferred business line models / warranty.
    If you return to campus and
    Guidelines for configuring UEFI settings on University computers running Windows 10/11
    Windows 10 in S Mode is a more limited, locked-down Windows 10 operating system. For University users, the limitations of S Mode are not acceptable.
    The Out-of-Box Experience or OOBE for short is the phase of Windows setup that allows you to customize your Windows 10 experience. Some of the task you can accomplish include defining personalized settings, create user accounts, join a business network, join a wireless network and define privacy settings.
    On some computers, the latest feature update or cumulative update is not available via the Windows Update. When "Check for updates" button is clicked, Windows reports that "You're up to date", even though it is not true.
    How to get into Safe Mode with Windows 10 OS
    Instructions for extracting model and serial number on a Windows computer using command prompt.
    This article details how to create a Windows 10 installation media that will force to install Windows 10 Pro edition on devices with and ACPI embedded Windows 10 Home product key.