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    Users accessing Microsoft SSO applications on a registered macOS device may encounter a Microsoft Workplace Join Key error due to misconfigured keychain access settings. This issue can be resolved by ensuring the key is trusted and adjusting the ACL to permit Google Chrome.
    Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology provides secure remote access and secure data transmission between devices that are not connected to the University wired or wireless campus networks and University systems. The the Palo Alto GlobalProtect software that you can install on your computer makes it seem as if it is on the campus network by setting up a tunnel which encrypts all traffic between your computer and the University firewall. This article is intended for Apple Mac users.
    GlobalProtect on macOS hangs when Connecting due to a security block. You can use System Preferences to give it security permission to run properly.
    How to display the OneDrive for Business status indicator icons on Mac
    Instructions for OneDrive Mac users.
    SPSS compatibility issues with macOS Sonoma
    This article provides a workaround for installing LsAgent on a device running macOS Monterey. Normal installation method fails with an error message “The disc image couldn’t be opened. The disk image is corrupted.”
    How to find your Windows computer name
    The equivalent of notes.ini on a Mac OS X workstation is called Notes Preferences file and it is normally hidden. You can get to it following these instructions.
    When adding a new shared mailbox to Outlook for Mac after you have been given access to it, you may be seeing "Account already exists" error message.
    Steps for stopping and uninstalling GlobalProtect on macOS workstation.
    Instructions for addressing a known issue with Microsoft 365 Apps for Mac running in read mode with error message "Your account doesn't allow editing on a Mac. To learn more, contact your admin about your Office plan."
    If you have Lotus Notes and Outlook installed on your Windows 7 workstation, you may have to manually update your settings to switch your default e-mail program form Lotus Notes to Outlook. This ensures that Outlook will be used in place of Lotus Notes whenever you click on any so called "mail to" links, such as when you release blocked messages from quarantine by clicking the message ID link in your spam digest message
    You must run Repair Disk Permissions utility that may take a few minutes depending on the amount of files you have on your Mac. Once the repair is complete, launch Outlook and you should be able to send attachments.
    The easiest way to find your serial number depends on your situation. If your Mac turns on, you can find the serial number right in the interface. If it doesn’t turn on, you’ll need to locate it on the case or original packaging.