Power BI business analytics is part of the Microsoft Office 365 suite. It allows for the creation of reports and dashboards that provide insights and analysis, and sharing them with others. You can use any these apps to view reports and dashboards that were shared with you:
You can use this app to create and share reports and dashboards:
Power BI Windows app will reach retirement on December 31, 2023. There will be no support for the Power BI Windows app after this date. Current users have access to their accounts via Power BI for the Web and can switch to this option any time prior to retirement.
To learn how to use Power BI, see How to use Microsoft Power BI - Tutorial for Beginners
A Power BI license is required to create and edit dashboards and to access dashboards and reports shared with you. There are two types of licenses available to our users:
- Power BI (free)
- Power BI Pro (subscription based at $37 per user per year) - required to view reports or dashboards that are secured (i.e. shared only with certain people) or to create reports or dashboards.
See Per user-license type comparison for more details.
To acquire one of the two Power BI licenses, you will need to submit a request by opening a ticket. The basic license is free while the cost of a Pro license will be charged to the UWinsite Finance account number provided inside the ticket. Each license request ticket will automatically enter the approval workflow once submitted. Once your request is approved by your manager (one-up approval), a license will be procured and assigned to your UWin Account.
Power BI License
If you do not plan to create your own reports or dashboards, use the Power BI Mobile app. A basic Power BI license is required to use Power BI Mobile app. This license is available to users by request at no cost.
Power BI Pro License
With the Pro license you can create reports and dashboards on the Web, or use the Power BI Desktop app. When a Power BI developer has shared a report or dashboard to you, it will automatically appear in your Power BI app.
Installing Power BI App
There are two versions of Power BI app available for installation on your device:
- Power BI Mobile is available for Windows, Apple iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android and can be downloaded form the app store on your mobile device.
- Power BI Desktop is available for Windows only.
NOTE: Power BI app is not available for macOS.
University Work ("Corporate") Devices
All corporate-owned devices are administered by Microsoft Intune that automates software installation. As soon as you have purchased a Power BI Pro license, Power BI and Power BI Desktop apps will be automatically installed on all of your work Windows devices.
- Power BI Mobile app can be installed on your device using Company Portal app
Personal Devices (BYOD)
If you use your personal computer for work, you also need to have it enrolled in University's device admin system. Once enrolled, you will be able to download Power BI app it through the Company Portal.
You can also install Power BI Mobile from the Microsoft Store (University of Windsor tab, must sign-in to see it), it is called "Power BI."

Alternatively, visit powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/downloads for links to the app installers for all three platforms