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Services provided to part-time casual employees and steps for activating this type of account.
myUWinfo is the University of Windsor’s gateway to your human resource information.
Through you can access your employee information from any computer or mobile device with Internet access.
myUWinfo dashboard's icons and theme will change with the October 2023 Odyssey upgrade. The article walks through the portal changes.
This document outlines the steps for an administrator to use the 3 main features in the 'Hire A Person' tab of the Administrative myUWinfo portal. 
Authorization For Hire – Student
Employment Extension – Student
Cancellation of Employment – Student
Instructions for student employees and part-time employees to add the number of hours worked in the myUWinfo portal.
Find information on how employees can view their time in myUWinfo if they are Students and Part-time Employees
This article will show you how to add or change my personal pronoun in the myUWINFO employee portal. Selecting a personal pronoun is optional. However, when a pronoun is selected it will be integrated for use in other systems on campus such as our LMS.
Frequently Asked Questions about Hourly Employees Submitting and Reviewing their Timesheets in myUWinfo
Designed to explain how to fully sign out of myUWINFO when on a public/shared computer
T4/T4A tax slips will be available on the myUWinfo employee self service portal by February 28th each year. To take advantage of this convenient and secure option, you must give consent.
T4/T4A tax slips will be available on the myUWinfo employee self service portal by February 28th each year. This is convenient and secure option will allow faculty, staff and student employees to print and re-print their tax slips wherever and whenever they like with no waiting, no time lost in the mail. One that is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week for as long as you have access to myUWinfo portal.
If your iOS device stalls when “loading” the myUWinfo pages after your log in, this is due to a setting on the Safari browser. Turning off the Private Browsing mode will correct the issue, allowing you to log into