OneDrive is a file hosting and sharing service in Microsoft Cloud that is included in Office 365 suite of applications available to University of Windsor faculty, staff, and students. The current storage limit for OneDrive users is 1 TB.
Microsoft SharePoint is a cloud-based service that helps University of Windows faculty, staff, students and community partners share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information and seamlessly collaborate across the organization.
I.T. Services maintains a cluster to file servers is that provide on-premise shared storage space for files that can be accessed by the workstations through the network. These shared file spaces are known as "network file shares."
Isilon NAS (Network Attached Storage) provides file sharing services seamlessly integrating Windows and Unix file systems. It allows PC users to access files stored on Unix servers, such as ADMIN1.
Media Valet is the digital asset management platform for video and photography assets for the University of Windsor to be accessed by designated campus members and other key stakeholders for use in both print and digital communications. The platform is managed by the Office of Enrolment Management.