Popular Services
IT Services provides general support for UWin Accounts as well as account creation, account deactivation, access changes for employees moving into new positions, onboarding and offboardings.
UWinsite People or UWP is the new Human Resources Information System system implemented by the university replacing the legacy VIP system. This system manages all our human resources functions including, but not limited to, recruitments, benefits, and payroll/compensation. This system is also used by our campus faculty and staff to manage personal information as well as absences and vacations.
UWinsite Finance is the University of Windsor’s financial information system. Do not open a ticket here if the issue is regarding student financials. Tickets for this should be submitted under UWinsite Student.
Faculty, staff and students who would like to use software that is not covered by any of the campus-wide licensing agreements can submit a request to purchase a license or renew/transfer existing license.
Launched November 2018, UWinsite Student is the University of Windsor’s student information platform that replaced the legacy Student Information System commonly known on campus as SIS, Forte, or myUWindsor.ca. Used primarily by students, faculty and staff, UWinsite Student also serves applicants and alumni.
Microsoft Exchange Online is a cloud-basedmessaging solution that delivers e-mail, calendar, contacts, and tasks from PCs, the web, and mobile devices. This service is hosted on Microsoft Exchange Online servers that are housed in Microsoft datacenters in Toronto and Quebec City (Microsoft Cloud) and are accessible to users on a wide range of devices from inside University's campus wired and wireless networks and over the Internet.
Please use this form to submit a inquiry, request or problem report *only* if you can't find the proper sub-category for it.
Brightspace is the new Learning Management System (LMS) that the University of Windsor implemented campus-wide in January 2023 and replaced Blackboard Learn.
I.T. Services cannot provide a high level of support on all software used on campus. I.T. Services is dedicated to providing the highest level of support possible for packages that are selected for full support. The selection of packages and the level of support given each package are determined by perceived demand, support available for similar packages, knowledge of staff, and the time required (and available) to learn the packages.
The University has standard fleet pricing for Xerox AltaLink multi-function devices, and has implemented PaperCut for enterprise print management for faculty and staff.
Microsoft SharePoint is a cloud-based service that helps University of Windows faculty, staff, students and community partners share and manage content, knowledge, and applications to empower teamwork, quickly find information and seamlessly collaborate across the organization.
University classrooms are equipped with audio-visual equipment to assist instructors with the delivery of academic materials. Faculty, staff and students can order equipment for their class or event to fulfill AV requirements for rooms without integrated media systems.
The Scantron software and hardware is used for computerized test scoring. Instead of filling out a paper form at the Print Shop, an on-line service request form must be filled out prior to coming to submit your package. Please record the ticket ID that is assigned to the request on the envelope that you submit as well as for your personal records.
Ask questions and find answers related to your academic status and progress, financials, etc.
Redeploying a computer to another employee or setting up a new computer for the first time as well as provide information on device procurement.
To support University of Windsor website, I.T. Services maintains a content management system (CMS) powered by Drupal. A CMS is a computer application that allows publishing, editing, modifying, organizing, deleting, and maintaining content from a central interface.
I.T. Services provides assistance to faculty and staff experiencing hardware problems with their work devices, or wanting to upgrade or dispose their devices.
I.T. Services has deployed and maintains a number of firewalls, which are network systems that are designed to block unauthorized access while permitting legitimate network traffic. Virtual Private Network (VPN) technology provides secure remote access and secure data transmission between devices that are not connected to the University wired or wireless campus networks and University systems. The the Palo Alto GlobalProtect software that you can install on your device makes it seem as if it is on the campus network by setting up a tunnel which encrypts all traffic between your computer and the University firewall.
TeamDynamix (TDX) app is used by I.T. Services, Finance and a few other departments for project management, asset management, and issue/request tracking through tickets submitted by faculty, staff and students on this self-service portal.
All buildings on campus are connected to the University's wired network. Network jacks are generally available in all offices, meeting rooms, classrooms, lecture halls, labs, as well in some public areas (hallways, open space, etc.). Wireless (WiFi) network access is available throughout the University campus, and selected off-campus locations.
Microsoft 365 Apps, formerly known as Microsoft Office 365, is a suite of productivity applications that includes Access, Excel, OneDrive, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Teams, and Word. You can use these applications to connect with Microsoft 365 services such as SharePoint Online and Exchange Online. These apps can be installed on your Windows or macOS computer, or on your iOS or Android mobile device. They can also be accessed in a web browser at portal.office.com
IT Services uses the Software Depot website to resell IBM SPSS / AMOS 29 to students.
Active Directory (AD) is a legacy Microsoft directory that stores information about members of the domain, including devices and users, verifies their credentials and defines their access rights. Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory or AAD) is a modern cloud-based identity and access management solution that also provides a foundation for device management solution called Intune. During the transition period, both directories are co-existing and are working together in our hybrid AD environment.
UWinsite Service is a service platform to help address applicants’ and students’ questions about UWindsor.
OneDrive is a file hosting and sharing service in Microsoft Cloud that is included in Office 365 suite of applications available to University of Windsor faculty, staff, and students. The current storage limit for OneDrive users is 1 TB.