Find a Person (Campus Phone Directory), office & residence telephone service, CallPilot voicemail, Nuance IVR, Telus corporate smartphones.

Services (6)

Find a Person (Campus Phone Directory)

An on-line phone directory called Find A Person is available at You can search for faculty and staff by name, department name, e-mail address, telephone extension, or by expertise.

Office & Residence Telephone Service

I.T. Services provides telephone services to all locations on campus, and selected off campus locations, including connecting new lines and extensions, moving existing lines, installing or repairing phone jacks, long distance codes, etc.

CallPilot Voicemail

CallPilot voice mail system can be accessed from your office phone, from an external number, and through website.

Nuance Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR)

Nuance is an Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) system used by the University's telephone system.

Safe Lancer

Safe Lancer app (UWindsor Alert) is the official mobile safety app of the University of Windsor and an essential tool to enhance your safety at University of Windsor.

Corporate Cell Phones/Plans

This service provides employees with the ability to request a University paid cell phone.