Apple computers running macOS

Articles (3)

Pinned Article Setting up your new University-owned macOS workstation

macOS workstations provided to faculty and staff by University of Windsor that are purchased directly from Apple are pre-configured through an Apple program called Automated Device Enrollment (ADE) before you receive them. Once you power on your new Apple computer for the first time, you will need to go through the initial setup at which point your device will complete enrolment in device management and will receive access to University of Windows apps and data.

How to obtain a model number and serial number of a computer running macOS?

The easiest way to find your serial number depends on your situation. If your Mac turns on, you can find the serial number right in the interface. If it doesn’t turn on, you’ll need to locate it on the case or original packaging.

Known Issue: MacOS Keychain - wants to sign using key "Microsoft Workplace Join Key" from your keychain

Users accessing Microsoft SSO applications on a registered macOS device may encounter a Microsoft Workplace Join Key error due to misconfigured keychain access settings. This issue can be resolved by ensuring the key is trusted and adjusting the ACL to permit Google Chrome.