Changing, resetting, security questions, best practices.

Articles (8)

Digital Passwords Management Policy

The University of Windsor is in process of adopting a new policy that will define the minimum standards governing the format and management of passwords used to access electronic services and accounts associated with the University.

How do I change my UWin Account password?

UWin Account services site provides users with instructions on how to change their UWin password.

How do I configure or update my UWin Account security questions?

In the event that you forget your UWin ID password, answering three secret questions will enable you to reset your password online without having to visit the Service Desk in person and present your ID.

How do I make my password secure?

Best practices for secure passwords

How will I know that my UWin Account password is about to expire?

A number of notifications are in place to ensure that UWin Acocunt holders do not miss their password expiry date.

Using KeePass to Manage Passwords

The University’s IT Digital Password Management Policy requires regular renewal (changing) of passwords. KeePass is a tool which can be used to make organising these passwords easier.

UWin Account Password Guidelines

When selecting your new UWin Account password, it must meet the requirements outlined in this article.

What do I do if I forgot my UWin Account password?

What to do when you forgot your UWin Account password?