Find a Person (Campus Phone Directory), office & residence telephone service, CallPilot voicemail, Nuance IVR, Telus corporate smartphones.

Articles (13)

Adding an expertise to your Find a Person (Campus Phone Directory)

Instructions for adding and editing an "Expertise" line to your Find a Person directory entry.

Avaya 1140e Telephone Guide

This article applies to Avaya 1140e and 1120e telephone sets used at the University of Windsor.

Calling clients or students from your home phone

This article shows you now to place calls from your home or mobile phone without revealing your number to the receiver.

Cell Phone - Corporate Plan Transition

Required actions and deadlines related to updates to the University of Windsor's Cellphone Procurement and Subscription Policy.

Cell Phone - Employee Personal Plan

TELUS is University's preferred vendor for mobility and telecommunication services. Note that this service is available to University employees & retired employees only. TELUS' local authorized dealer for the University of Windsor corporate account is Smartcell.

Desktop Messaging Setup - How to forward voicemail messages to my e-mail?

Set up a Message Forwarding Rule that will automatically forward a copy of each incoming CallPilot voicemail message to an e-mail address.

Getting started with CallPilot voice mail system.

This is the first step in setting up your voicemail.

How to change your CallPilot voice mail password?

Steps for changing your voice mail password.

How to log into your voice mail from on campus and off campus?

Instructions for accessing your voicemail mailbox from different locations.

How to record your external or temporary greeting?

Instructions on how to record your external and temporary greeting messages on your voice mail.

How to record your personal verification on your voice mail system (name and ext.)?

In this section you will record your full name and the extension the person is calling (unless the extension is private).

Voicemail Message Commands

Learn how to pick up your messages and how to delete or send a copy to someone else on Campus.

What are the different ways to leave a voice mail message?

A list of options for leaving/sending a voicemail message.